Conference: The Symposium of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Location: Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO
When: June 19-21, 2017
What makes a narrative Boethian, beyond mere inclusion of an allusion? What implications are there for interpretation of Boethius’s philosophy in a given narrative’s approach to incorporating The Consolation into its telling? When can a philosophy or theology which appeals to Boethius be deemed Boethian, and what degree of weight should we give to interpretations provided of Boethius by later thinkers, such as Aquinas in the Summa theologica?
Given the wide variety of things which fit into discourse about Boethius (the liberal arts, theology, philosophy, narrative, and beyond), what is it for such a topic to be Boethian? Papers from scholars working in literature, philosophy, history, art history, theology, music and beyond are all welcome. Abstracts should be 300 to 350 words and sent to Anthony G. Cirilla,, no later than December 10th, 2016.
For more information, please see our Conferences page and visit the Symposium website: