The International Boethius Society hosted the panel described below, followed by our annual reception and business meeting on Saturday, May 14, 2016, at the 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo:
I. Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy through the Ages (Session 490, Bernhard 213, 3:30 PM)
Sponsor: International Boethius Society
Organizer: Philip Edward Phillips, Middle Tennessee State Univ.
Presider: Philip Edward Phillips
Boethius as Anti-Boethius: A Re-evaluation of the Role of Boethius in Maximianus’s Third Elegy
Sean Tandy, Indiana Univ.–Bloomington
“If chance will have me king”: The Alfredian and Boethian Context of Macbeth’s Weird Sisters
Brian McFadden, Texas Tech Univ.
Teaching “the Holesome Doctryne of Philosophye”: Comfort and Instruction in George Colvile’s 1556 Translation
Kenneth C. Hawley, Lubbock Christian Univ.
Respondent: Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr., Troy Univ.
(IBS Secretary Philip Phillips, Sean Tandy, Brian McFadden, Kenneth Hawley, and Executive Director Harold Kaylor)
(Harold Kaylor opening up the IBS Business Meeting)
(Anthony Cirilla and Brandy Brown)
(Kenneth showing Brandy and Anthony Bax's 1897 edition of Colvile's 1556 translation--from the Boethius Center)
(Joey McMullen and Erica Weaver with vol. 23, featuring papers from their 2013 Harvard conference)
(Rhonda McDaniel and IBS President Paul Szarmach)
Earlier in the conference, we enjoyed excellent presentations from IBS members Brooke Hunter and Anthony Cirilla, as well as the release of our new book from Medieval Institute Publications: Vernacular Traditions of Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae, edited by Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr., and Philip Edward Philips.

(Brooke Hunter, Villanova University, presenting on "Rewriting Boethius: Boethian Forgery and Forging Boethius")

(Anthony Cirilla, Niagara University, presenting on "Venus and the Grammar of the Trivium in Lydgate's Temple of Glas")
(Harold Kaylor and Philip Philips, with the newly released volume from Medieval Institute Publications)