Edited by Brian Donaghey, Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr,. Philip Edward Phillips, and Paul E. Szarmach, with assistance from Kenneth C. Hawley
Brepols and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies published this reference work in 2019. It accounts for every English version of Boethius’s 6th-century Latin original, including not only the 24 complete translations from the 9th century to the 21st, but also 24 partial translations and a number of other spurious, mislabeled, or lost versions. The cover image on the book is from a 1695 translation in the collection held by the Brian S. Donaghey Center for Boethian Studies. Remaking Boethius is a testament to the late Professor Donaghey's tireless service to the International Boethius Society.
For more on this volume, please see http://www.brepols.net/Pages/ShowProduct.aspx?prod_id=IS-9782503584676-1.

Edited by Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr. and Philip Edward Phillips
Vernacular Traditions of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae provides an overview of the widespread reception and influence of Boethius’s masterpiece in England and Germany, as well as in the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Catalonia, and Byzantium. As this volume demonstrates, Boethius is not only a significant Roman author, but also a significant translator and adapter of works written originally in Greek on logic and the mathematical sciences, placing him firmly as an important figure at the moment of transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages.
As the two introductory articles in this collection affirm, Boethius is recognized as “the last of the Romans” and “the first of the Scholastics.” Attested by the articles and the edition in this volume, Boethius’s influence today is global in its importance. Not only through the dissemination of his theological and scholarly works, but also through the many vernacularizations of his final testament to the world, his Consolatio.
Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction: Boethius: Last of the Romans, First of the Scholastics
Boethius, Last of the Romans by John Magee
Boethius, First of the Scholastics by Peter King
The Dutch, Italian, Polish, Greek, Hebrew, and Korean Traditions
The Dutch Translations of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae by Jefferey H. Taylor
The Reception and Adaptation of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae in Northern Italy: An Unedited Fourteenth-Century Version by Serena Lunardi
Early Polish Echoes and Translations of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae by Wladyslaw Witalisz
Maximos Planudes and his περι παραμυθιας της φιλοσοφιας, Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae Translated into Greek by Leslie A. Taylor
The Hebrew Translations of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae by Marina L. Gorlach, Jefferey H. Taylor, and Leslie A. Taylor
Korean Translations of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae by Ji-Soo Kangv
The German Tradition
The German Translations of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae: An Inventory of Translations with Extracts from the Texts by Christine Hehle and Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr.
The English Tradition
The English Tradition of Boethius’s De consolatione philosophiae with a Checklist of Translations by Philip Edward Phillips
Scribal Interpretations of Genre in the Old English Boethius by Jonathan Davis-Secord
Authorial Self-Identification in the Acrostics of Walton’s Boethius and the Question of John Bonejohn by Ian Johnson
An Edition of an English Manuscript
Boethius’s Comforts and Consolations of Philosophy by Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort (1693), British Library, Additional MS 40693B, introduced and edited by Kenneth Hawley
Selected Bibliography
Notes on Contributors
Index of Manuscripts
General Index Preface and Acknowledgments
Research in Medieval Culture
Spring 2016
ISBN 978 158044 216 9
For more on this volume, please see https://mip-archumanitiespress.org/products/isbn-9781580442169/.
A Companion to Boethius in the Middle Ages
Edited by Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr. and Philip Edward Phillips
The articles in this volume focus upon Boethius's extant works: his De arithmetica and a fragmentary De musica, his translations and commentaries on logic, his five theological texts, and, of course, his Consolation of Philosophy. They examine the effects that Boethian thought has exercised upon the learning of later generations of scholars--including, to a degree, scholars of the 21st century.
The field of Boethian Studies has enjoyed a continuous history of works that treat either the entire Boethian tradition or major aspects of it. This volume offers a comprehensive study, and its construction is systematic, considering Boethius's works both as central to the disciplines that they represent and to the areas of scholarly interest that they influenced, and it is framed by articles on the historical contexts in which those works were produced.
Contributors include: Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr., Stephen McCluskey, Rosalind C. Love, Jean-Yves Guillaumin, Siobhan Nash-Marshall, John Casey, Paul E. Szarmach, Christine Hehle, Glynnis M. Cropp, Dario Bancato, Ian Johnson, Mark T. Rimple, Ann E. Moyer, Fabio Troncarelli, and Philip Edward Phillips. Brill's Companion to the Christian Tradition, Volume 30. Copyright: 2012.
ISBN: 978-9-00418-354-4 (clothbound)
For more on this text, please see http://www.brill.nl/companion-boethius-middle-ages.
The Consolation of Queen Elizabeth I
The Queen's Translation of Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae
Public Record Office, Manuscript SP12 12/289
Edited by Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr. and Philip Edward Phillips
Introduction by Quan Manh Ha
This book comprises an extensive Introduction that makes particular note of the Elizabeth’s educational preparation for translating the Latin text and the circumstances under which the translation was made, an edition of the translation that distinguishes first-draft inscriptions in which the queen was directly involved and second-draft inscriptions that reveal no supervisory attention by Her Majesty, extensive notes that allow readers to understand the relationship between the entries in Public Record Office Manuscript SP 12/289 and the order in which the entries are presented in the edition, and a glossary of problematic words appearing in the translation.
Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, Volume 366.
Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS), 2009.
ISBN: 978-0-86698-414-0 (clothbound)
For more on this text, please see https://acmrs.org/publications/catalog/consolation-queen-elizabeth-i-queen%E2%80%99s-translation-boethius%E2%80%99s-de-consolatione.
New Directions in Boethian Studies
Edited by Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr., and Philip Edward Phillips
As a scholar, senator, and consul, whose life was centered in Rome and later in Ravenna, Boethius belonged to two worlds—the world of pagan antiquity and the world of the Christian Middle Ages—and his life and work embody and embrace the spirit of both. Studies in Medieval Culture, Volume XLV. Copyright: 2007.
ISBN: 978-1-58044-100-1 (clothbound)
ISBN: 978-1-58044-101-8 (paperback)
For more on this text, please see http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/mip/books/smc.html.